Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lightwing Unpublished

Back in 2003, I had planned on putting out a miniseries featuring Darwin Lightwing from my series The Gear Station. My good friend Anthony Bozzi co-plotted the series and the project was underway. Long story short, I started working in Film and TV and the Lightwing project was never completed. What you see below is the work that we did get done. It isn't a lot, but it's worth sharing. A special shout out to Lary Stucker and Joe Weems III for their awesome inks and to Matt Yackey for his colors. 

I present to you, LIGHTWING...

Thank you for taking a look. Enjoy.

Until next time....


  1. Awesome! You are nuts. You drew the same top view of the bedroom three times and didn't reuse so much as the folds in the sheets?! Way to go man! Looks amazing and makes me sad it never saw print.

    I suppose you used that mirror on your ceiling as a reference ;)
